Church Volunteer

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Part Time/Permanent




Volunteer Job Title:  Usher
Reports to:  Elder Smith
Scheduled shift:  Sunday 7 am – 11:30 am
Job location:   Volunteer Room behind West hallway
Job Duties:

  • Straighten chairs in auditorium
  • Fill chair pockets with offering envelopes
  • Stack offering baskets
  • Place bulletins in bins by all doors
  • Usher guests to seats
  • Assist people with special needs, ie; wheelchair, stroller, etc.
  • Collect offering
  • Empty offering baskets, sort and put in safe

Details of Job:

  • Ushers meet in the marked volunteer room behind the west hallway.
  • Lockers and coat racks are available for personal items.
  • Usher supplies, offering baskets, envelopes, umbrellas, first aid kit etc. are located in the marked closet on the north side of the volunteer room.
  • Ushers are asked to wear suits for men and appropriate business attire for women.
  • Volunteers should report for their shift at least 15 minutes ahead of time.
  • Ushers are expected to represent the church in a positive way and demonstrategood customer service skills by being polite, patient, encouraging and engaging with the congregation and visitors.
  • If an usher has a problem with a visitor or congregant, they should contact Elder Smith for assistance.

The process of creating job descriptions can be done quickly and efficiently with a few of the right people in the room.  Gather a few folks who understand what needs to be done, sit in a room with a laptop and just go down the list and answer the questions.  You will be surprised at how quickly you can create volunteer role descriptions.

Lastly, church volunteers are a valuable asset  which is why it is important to provide good systems and processes to support them. Investing some time thinking through and creating detailed job descriptions is one way to show your volunteers support and appreciation.

  • United States, California, Los Angeles

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